Thursday, March 09, 2006


Finished my mom's iPod case!

So, this has been hanging around since mid-November, when I finished the main part of it but failed to sew it up because I freaking hate sewing things up. I always mess up and it ends up not straight or not the same on both sides, or the buttons aren't even, or something. I just don't have the patience for hand-sewing. (And yet, I don't mind embroidery; go figure.)

The material is this cotton/viscose shiny cord of indeterminate age and origin that I got in a bag of yarn that used to be my grandmother's. It's nice and shiny and pretty and I have a little blue and a little lavender and about 600 yards of white. I will probably make a purse for myself out of the white now that I've had the aha! moment and realized that I can crochet a purse. It's great stuff. Fantacia textured yarn from Italy. You can get some Fantacia stuff on eBay but it's not common so I think it might be from a defunct company. Anyway, it looks like crochet nylon because it's shiny and this but it's actually soft and shiny.

The shank button is probably not the best choice with its pointy sides but it was the prettiest button I could find. I just ripped it off of an Old Navy blazer the night before. It's a very cute shrunken fitted blazer but the rhinestone buttons were just de trop for casual daytime wear.

I hope she likes it. Mom just learned how to use her iPod, and boy, does she love it. Yay, Mom!

(Oh, this picture makes me sad. It makes it look like there's a hole in the middle, which there's not, and like the bottom corner is hinky and puffy, which I don't think it is. Did I mention how much I hate sewing things up? I can destroy a perfectly good piece of work that way.)

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